
Owner of Kones Kreamery sells business to fund embryo adoption

Owner of Kones Kreamery sells business to fund embryo adoption

FARGO, ND (Valley News Live) – Local gelato and boba shop Kones Kreamery is under new management after current owner Brady Hand decided to sell the business to fund his family’s embryo adoption.

He and his wife have dreamed of becoming parents for years, but over the years it has never quite turned out the way they imagined.

For the past four years they have struggled with infertility.

Hand explained: “We have had two unsuccessful IVF attempts, one of which ended in miscarriage. When we went through all this, for a long time we didn’t even know what IVF or embryo adoption was when we had these problems.”

In one issue after another, the couple learned about embryo adoption, a procedure in which a family donates their surplus frozen embryos and then gives them up for adoption to another couple.

Hand said the cost of the process can vary, but ranges from $7,500 to $19,500, according to the Embryo Adoption Awareness Center.

“It’s been very hard on us both mentally and financially. I’m ready to focus on the next step and become a father like I’ve always wanted,” said the business owner.

Needing to focus on two of his greatest passions – business and fatherhood – Hand decided to sell his store and use the proceeds to start a family.

A bittersweet moment that, he said, meant the world to him.

“Whether it’s continuing our family or choosing the business, family definitely comes first for us.”

Family comes first – but they also keep a piece of Kone’s Kreamery in their hearts. He said he wants to tell his future children about the store and all the memories he has associated with it.

“It will be so cool to be able to share these memories with our kids one day. We’ll be able to tell them this big story of what happened, how they were born and what we went through,” he explained.

The fact that they have overcome all of this and kept their heads held high is a true testament to who the Hand family really is.

Until the store is sold to new owners, it will continue to operate as usual. Business updates will be posted on Kones Kreamery’s social media pages.

Anyone interested in purchasing the store can contact Brady Hand by phone at 701-367-3263 or by email at [email protected].

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