
Panama Village Considers Putting Up ‘State Champs’ Sign Outside School | News, Sports, Jobs

Panama Village Considers Putting Up ‘State Champs’ Sign Outside School | News, Sports, Jobs

The village of Panama discussed changing its plans to put up state champion signs at each end of the village to just one sign in front of the school. PJ photo by Sara Holthouse

PANAMA – Discussions about creating a sign dedicated to Panamanian sports champion teams of New York State have continued over the past few months, and at their August meeting, the village discussion shifted to the possibility of placing the sign in front of the school.

The original plan was to place commemorative plaques for the national champions under each “Welcome to Panama” sign at village entrances. Discussions began after villagers asked the village to do something similar to what is already done in communities like Bemus Point, and the village has been working on ideas.

The board discussed three options, focusing primarily on the less expensive option, which would involve just installing a sign that could possibly be placed in the school’s front yard near the school’s main sign that already exists. The school could also potentially contribute to the sign, and the board planned to contact the school to help pay for parts of it, such as the poles and vinyl.

“If the village bears the brunt of it and the school gets the posts and the vinyl and we put it up at the school, basically all of the sports at the school are covered,” said Larissa Enlow, village treasurer.

Kim Davis, village councillor, agreed that a sign in front of the school would be a better solution than several small signs at each end of the village.

“I like that better,” Davis said. “I mean, our village isn’t big enough, so I think it’s a bit excessive to use the same names in five different places, even though it makes more sense. Everyone drives right past the school.”

Todd Eddy, village manager, added that the woman from Chautauqua Signs, with whom the village worked to design the sign, told him that people driving into the village at 30 to 35 miles per hour would not be able to see or read the names of the state champions well if they were placed under the welcome signs.

“She gave me seconds, less than three seconds, and they’re already gone,” said Eddy.

The board discussed who to contact at the school to discuss the possibility of the sign, and that the cost for that option should be around $630 for a one-sided sign. The cost to the school should not be much more than $150 for the posts and vinyl. The total number of state champions from Panama is six, so six names will be written on the side, with more room to add names later.

The board also discussed the possibility of reaching out to the villagers who originally approached them about the sign and seeing if they could find sponsors to help with the cost if the school decided not to cover part of the cost.

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