
Park fire cools as Mineral residents return

Park fire cools as Mineral residents return

After days of slowing the Park Fire, officials were able to let people in Mineral return home on Tuesday, and by Wednesday many of them were back on the streets and things were returning to normal. But officials say there is more work to be done before the Park Fire is fully extinguished.

“Over the last few days, our crews have been able to do a really good job on this fire,” said Joanne Bear, a deputy spokesperson for the Park Fire. “Right now, the focus is on working on the roads. Working in the hard-to-reach areas.”

While nearby businesses are still closed, the air is clear of the smoke that has been so pervasive in recent weeks. Bear, also a battalion chief, reports that the combination of cooler temperatures this week and the aggressive efforts of firefighting crews have allowed them to make great progress in containing the wildfire.

“Fire is constantly changing. You never know what a fire will do,” she explains. “Containment is looking good. We are already 40 percent contained and are increasing that figure every day.”

Despite this unpredictability, Bear says firefighters were confident in allowing Mineral residents to return based on observations on the lines and the lack of smoke in the air.

“The ability to get people back online is always the highest priority,” she says. “Getting people back to the area where they live. They want to be home, we want to get them back to the area, but we want it to be safe.”

Speaking of safety, Bear says anyone returning to a fire-affected area needs to keep their eyes open.

“Make sure you communicate with nearby personnel and firefighters,” she warns. “If you see anything, tell someone you see smoke. Make sure you are safe.”

She further stressed that returning residents need to be aware of the fire service, which will be working in the area over the next few days or even longer. She stressed that given the chaotic nature of a fire, it is not over until it is completely extinguished.

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