
Parking in Bloomington, ticket costs, parking at IU, free streets

Parking in Bloomington, ticket costs, parking at IU, free streets

Whether you’ve just moved to the city or have lived here for years, you probably have questions about how parking works in Bloomington. Bike lanes are often confused with parking strips. Downtown is full of cryptically coded Indiana University parking spaces that no one seems to know when they’re allowed to use. Residential streets can go from unguarded to residential-only in a snap. And since both the city and IU monitor parking 24/7, even a five-minute slip-up can result in a parking ticket.

Downtown parking is a mishmash of meters, time limits, and reserved spots, but if you know a little about local parking, road rules, and parking fees, you can park downtown cheaply or even for free without fear of parking tickets or towing.

Here you will find an introduction to how parking works in the city center.

Where can I park for free in downtown Bloomington?

During the day, free parking downtown is best found in a free two-hour lot in the areas outside the CBD. Times vary, but most are monitored between 8am and 5pm.

There is plenty of parking on Washington and Lincoln streets south of Third Street and along Rogers Street north of Kirkwood Avenue. There are some unmetered parking lots, such as around Rogers and Madison streets west of College Avenue, but these are often occupied by residents and are not easy to find.

The city actively monitors parking, so don’t think that just because there are no meters you can park for more than two hours. Also, remember that the two-hour parking limit applies to the entire street or block, meaning you can’t just drive your car down the street after the two hours are up.

Metered street and lot parking in downtown Bloomington is also free after 9 p.m. and on Sundays and all official city holidays. Parking in the city’s public parking garages is also free all day on Sundays.

What is the cheapest parking option in the city center?

If you’re downtown and plan to stay a while, your best bet is one of the city’s four public parking garages. The garages charge an hourly rate of 50 cents per hour, compared to $1 per hour for surface and street parking.

  • Parking garages: 50 cents per hour
  • Properties: 1 USD per hour
  • Parking on the street: 1 USD per hour

If you have some spare change, street parking is probably the best option for quick in and out parking, as you only pay 5 cents for three minutes of parking.

All parking in the lot and on the street can be paid for using the ParkMobile app. Look for the zone on a sign or parking meter. There is a 50 cent surcharge.

Some stores, such as Bloomingfoods and Kroger, have parking spaces, but it’s not a good idea to park there and go somewhere else. Most downtown stores are very careful to avoid non-customers using their parking spaces or customers leaving their cars there after shopping.

Where can I park as a visitor to IU?

Parking options at IU-controlled facilities are few and far between, but here are a few tips.

IU has six parking garages, all of which have visitor parking: the Atwater Avenue Parking Garage, the Fee Lane Parking Garage, the Forrest Avenue Parking Garage, the East Parking Garage on Eagleson Avenue, the Poplars Parking Garage on Sixth Street, and the Henderson Parking Garage on Fess Avenue.

Unless otherwise stated, parking in the garages is free on Fridays from 6:00 p.m. and all day on Saturdays and Sundays.

IU also has three parking lots near Kirkwood Avenue where you can park after 5:00 p.m. on weekdays and anytime on weekends. These are lot 402 on the corner of Sixth and Dunn Streets, across the street lot 404, also on the corner of Sixth and Dunn Streets (behind the Von Lee building), and lot 412 on the corner of Fourth and Dunn Streets (behind Starbucks and BuffaLouie’s). Avoid lot 414 behind Toppers and Chow Bar as it is fully reserved.

Aside from that, IU has some paid visitor parking in the more public-access buildings such as the Herman B. Wells Library, the Biddle Hotel, and the dorms in the Quadrangle. For a complete list of visitor parking, check out IU’s parking map at under “IU Bloomington.”

How much does a traffic ticket cost?

City of Bloomington traffic tickets typically cost $30 for simple violations such as running over the time limit or parking in front of yellow curbs. If this fee is not paid or appealed within 14 days, this fee doubles to $60 and continues to increase over time after that.

IU fines cost $25 for an expired parking meter and $50 for parking without a permit in a permit parking space, and increase if not paid or appealed within 14 days.

Reach Brian Rosenzweig at [email protected].

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