
Pickens County woman suffers severe burns in house explosion, community gathers support

Pickens County woman suffers severe burns in house explosion, community gathers support

PICKENS COUNTY, Ga. (Atlanta News First) – Shelly Harlan of Pickens County suffered burns to 60 percent of her body when she returned home from work Saturday afternoon.

Currently, the Pickens County Fire Department suspects a gas leak, but further investigation is needed to be certain.

Firefighters said Harlan escaped and was taken to Grady Memorial Hospital, where she has been undergoing a second surgery since Thursday.

Her family and her boss at Annie’s Restaurant describe her as lively, friendly and fun. She worked at Annie’s in Jasper for nearly five years.

Her boss, Rebecca McClure, said Harlan loves her job and her community… and that same community now stands behind her.

“She’s a great person. She would give the shirt off her back to anyone. She’s a grandmother, she’s a daughter, she has children,” McClure said.

“We were just shocked. One minute she was here, laughing and joking and giving us all a great day, and then there was this absolute nightmare,” she said.

Annie’s has launched a fundraiser to help cover rising medical costs. McClure said Harlan has no health insurance and will likely spend at least five months in the hospital.

You can help Shelly Harlan here: Shelly Harlan’s fundraiser

Venmo: @hrenae92

You can also visit the Community Bank of Pickens County in person and donate to the Shelly Harlan Fund.

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