
PoE 3.25 Ritual Atlas Tree Manual

PoE 3.25 Ritual Atlas Tree Manual

Path of Exile’s ritual mechanic allows players to interact with altars that spawn hordes of enemies and receive valuable rewards in return. With the right strategy, rituals can be a lucrative source of money, unique items, and more. This guide will help you understand and use the best Atlas tree strategies to maximize your ritual farming efficiency in update 3.25.

PoE 3.25 Ritual Farming – Best Strategies for the Ritual Atlas Tree in the Settlers of Kalguur League

In the PoE 3.25 league, Ritual is extremely effective for farming as it can significantly increase pack size and, in turn, the amount of tribute that can be used to purchase valuable rewards. The mechanic allows players to defer rewards to improve their quality in future rituals, making it a strategic tool for targeting high-value items. Additionally, the flexibility to incorporate challenging bosses into rituals increases both the difficulty and potential rewards, making it a customizable feature for different levels of play. The enthusiastic and positive responses from players highlight Ritual’s ability to provide significant in-game currency and rare items such as Multi-Fracture Gems and Synthesized Bases, increasing both the excitement and profitability of farming within this mechanic. Ritual’s integration into game strategies and its impact on player builds make it a cornerstone for efficient and rewarding farming in the league. To help you farm most effectively and maximize profits, here are the three best Ritual Altas trees you can plant in League of Settlers of Kalguur!

PoE 3.25 Best Ritual Atlas Tree 1 – Stacked Deck Farming Strategy

The Ritual farming strategy in Path of Exile 3.25 focuses on maximizing stack deck drops through a combination of five Cloister Divination Scarabs and the Ritual mechanic. This approach takes advantage of the increased drop rates from Ritual Altars and enhanced Monster Packs, allowing players to effectively and efficiently farm valuable stack decks. The key is balancing the extra time needed for Rituals with the potentially high rewards from double drops.

Items and cards:

  • Scarabs: Use five Cloister Divination Scarabs per card to increase the chance of Stack Deck drops by 5%.

  • Map selection: Choose simple maps such as “Jungle Valley” or “Dunes” to minimize travel and clearing time and optimize farming efficiency.

  • Card Device Mods: Use mods that increase monster density, such as Domination, which helps spawn additional shrines and monsters and further increases the drop rate of stacked decks.

Setting up the passive atlas tree:

PoE 3.25 Ritual Atlas Tree Manual

Optimize the Atlas passive tree to prioritize skills that enhance the effects of map mods and scarabs, improving monster party size and item quantity. Focus on:

  • Monster Pack Size: Increases the number of monsters and thus the potential drops per card.

  • Scarab Effectiveness: Maximizes the benefit of using five Cloister Divination Scarabs.

  • Ritual Improvements: Choose passive abilities that improve ritual rewards, but avoid time-consuming mechanics that don’t significantly increase the number of stack deck discards.

Strategy implementation:

  • Map Preparation: Before running the map, make sure all selected mods and scarabs have been applied.

  • Ritual Activation: When clearing the map, activate any ritual altars you come across. Make sure to kill any monsters that appear to benefit from the increased drop rates.

  • Efficient clearing: Maintain a high clearing speed to minimize additional time spent on rituals. Use efficient routes through the map to avoid backtracking.

  • Evaluation: After running multiple cards, evaluate average stack decks per card and time taken per card. Adjust strategy based on balance between extra drops and time efficiency.

While this strategy is more time-consuming per card due to the ritual mechanic, it can significantly increase the yield of stacked decks and is therefore extremely profitable, especially for players who value yield over speed.

PoE 3.25 Best Ritual Atlas Tree 2 – Strategy for Obtaining High-Quality Rewards

This strategy is all about playing cards with potential for high-value drops, using certain scarabs to improve ritual rewards, and optimizing the Atlas passive tree for synergies between ritual, delirium, and other useful modifiers. The key is to focus on maximizing the value of each ritual by putting expensive items aside and rerolling for better rewards, rather than consistently farming lower-value items.

Items and cards:

  • Scarabs: Use two Ritual Scarabs of Selectivity to allow for additional free rerolls, one Ritual Scarab of Whispers to increase tribute, and one Scarab of Adversaries for additional monster packs. Avoid using multiple Scarabs of Abundance, as this can be too much.

  • Maps: Favor maps like Jungle Valley and City Square that don’t have boss altars, increasing the chances of finding lots of altars. Maps should be chosen for their potential to drop high-value items, such as the Mageblood map in Jungle Valley.

Setting up the passive atlas tree:

PoE 3.25 Best Ritual Atlas Tree 2 - Ritual Delirium Farming Strategy

  • Ritual Nodes: Choose nodes that improve ritual rewards and efficiency.

  • Delirium Synergy: Since Delirium pauses during ritual encounters but still progresses to completion, combining these two mechanics can be extremely beneficial.

  • In addition: For additional monsters and possible drops.

  • Alters: Focus on Voltar’s Alters to gain additional benefits and avoid less effective modifiers.

  • Amount and Resistance Modifiers: Make sure you exceed elemental resistances, as some altars can reduce them, possibly by using multipurpose flasks with resistance modifiers in ritual encounters.

Strategy implementation:

  • Start with proper preparation: equip the selected scarabs and enter the chosen map. Make sure your character build can handle the map modifiers and the increased difficulty brought about by the scarabs.

  • Perform Rituals: During rituals, focus on constantly moving to avoid taking damage. Use the scarabs to reroll rewards and aim for jackpot drops like expensive broken or synthesized items or special invitations from bosses like the King of the Mist.

  • Manage rewards: Defer expensive items to future rituals when possible. Use the free replays provided by the Scarabs of Selectivity wisely to maximize the value of each ritual.

  • Use Vessels: If the map is going well and high-value items are secured, use a ritual vessel to capture the essence of the ritual, which can be sold or used to enhance future rituals.

By sticking to this strategy, players can effectively increase their chances of getting valuable drops from rituals, making each map run a potentially lucrative venture.

PoE 3.25 Best Ritual Atlas Tree 3 – Ritual Delirium Currency Farming Strategy

This is a loose but effective strategy for using the Ritual mechanic to maximize your farm in Path of Exile’s Glacier map. This strategy has proven to be a goldmine, yielding a wealth of divine orbs, unique items, and valuable loot boxes. Now let’s break down how you can use Delirium, high mob density, and strategic use of game mechanics to significantly increase your earnings.

Items and cards:

  • Map: Glacier, known for its linear structure.

  • Modifiers: Use a map with eight mods for maximum difficulty and rewards.

  • Scarabs and Delirium Orbs: Essential for increasing mob density and improving rewards.

  • Rituals: Use the Ritual of Abundance and additional vessels to increase the number and quality of rewards.

Setting up the passive atlas tree:

PoE 3.25 Best Ritual Atlas Tree 2 - Ritual Delirium Farming Strategy

Configure your Atlas Passive Tree to support Scarab farming, which in turn encourages currency accumulation. The focus should be on nodes that increase Scarab effectiveness as well as overall mob density and loot probability. If you’re curious about specific nodes, I can provide you with a more detailed setup based on popular community builds, or even customize one based on my personal experience.

Strategy implementation:

  • Map Preparation: Start by applying all the required Scarabs and Delirium Orbs to the Glacier map. Set them to eight mods using the Domination League mechanic to gain additional shrines and monsters.

  • Ritual Setup: Strategically place two Rituals of Abundance and choose vessels to maximize rewards. Feel free to experiment with other combinations to find what works best for you.

  • Clear Map: Start the map and prioritize activating and clearing all rituals as you progress through the game. The goal is to maximize the number of mobs you can spawn and defeat in each ritual area to get more loot.

  • Use Delirium: Use the Delirium Mirror as quickly as possible to overlap it with the Rituals. This combination maximizes mob density and potential loot from both mechanics.

  • Shopping Strategy: After completion, you will have the opportunity to “shop” at the ritual rewards screen. Use all of your rerolls to unlock high-level rewards. Focus on purchasing or delaying valuable items like broken or synthesized items, which can be incredibly lucrative.

Further tips for efficient farming:

  • Speed ​​is key: Glacier’s small size makes it ideal for quick runs. Try to clear maps in five to six minutes to optimize your farming session.

  • Preferred Tank Build: Given the high mob density and challenging modifiers, you’ll want to use a build that can withstand potential hits. I recommend something like a Void Forge Flicker build. Let me know if you’re interested in a detailed guide!

  • Loot Selection: Be selective when choosing your ritual rewards. Prioritize high-value items and don’t overload your inventory with low-value loot.

This method of farming is not only profitable, but also exciting, as each map run offers a new set of potential high-value drops. It’s a dynamic way to engage with some of PoE’s layered mechanics, and while it’s a bit unstructured, the potential rewards can be extraordinary.

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