
Raina Massey: “As teachers, we have the opportunity to create a safe space and be a friendly and trustworthy presence”

Raina Massey: “As teachers, we have the opportunity to create a safe space and be a friendly and trustworthy presence”

Since coming to the College of Education, Raina Massey, who is studying elementary education, has enjoyed taking on the role of mentor to her peers. This has allowed her to help with ED 100 courses, plan events, and become more involved in the college, helping others and guiding new students.

Additionally, she appreciated the opportunity to be in a classroom with first graders and experience firsthand what it is like to be an elementary school teacher.

Get to know Raina:

Most significant moment so far: My first practical experience last semester was very formative for me. I was placed in a first class and went there four times over the course of the semester. Being in a real classroom with students allowed me to get a concrete idea of ​​what this profession would be like. It was at that moment that I realized that I was heading towards my future career as an educator.

My best experience so far: My orientation for new students in 2022. It was super helpful and exciting to get a taste of what my next four years would look like, and I was happy to get a little orientation around campus before school started. At the orientation, I also met one of my best friends who is studying elementary school teaching with me.

What I have learned so far about what it means to be an educator: Being an educator requires a lot of compassion, empathy, and patience. Students come from so many different backgrounds and personalities, and they are not perfect. As teachers, we have the opportunity to create a safe space and be a kind and trustworthy presence in their lives.

Why I still want to become an educator: Last summer I worked as a counselor at a summer camp. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. I built these wonderful relationships with my campers and they are what motivated me to go to work every day. It was great getting to know them, learn about their different interests, and witness their curiosity and enthusiasm for life first hand. It reminded me of my passion for working with and helping children. It was very reassuring to know that I was on the right path.

Why I love the College of Education: I would say the people. Both the staff and my fellow students are very friendly. I’ve always struggled with social anxiety and it can be difficult for me to interact with my fellow students. But the people here have made me feel very welcome and I’ve found that there is a lot of mutual support in the College of Education. I felt like I was able to break out of my shell in a way that I couldn’t before coming here.

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