
Reader opinion: Indoctrination has no place in public education – Duluth News Tribune

Reader opinion: Indoctrination has no place in public education – Duluth News Tribune

Is America a heathen nation? It seems we are heading down a path that includes child sacrifice (abortion), transgender mutilation surgeries on minor children, euthanasia proposals, and public school education with anti-American and Marxist doctrines. This is happening instead of teaching science, technology, engineering, math, reading, and history without progressive indoctrination.

Anti-American and Marxist indoctrination has no place in public education. Such teachings too often lead to young people being ruined along the educational path. Many students have been led down a path of confusion, fear and detours that lead them away from the solid foundations of education mentioned above.

Indoctrination (by the left wing) has driven our educational system into the ditch. We must avoid this dead end, pull ourselves out of the ditch and free our country from the potholed road we are on.

So I ask again: Are we a pagan nation that rejects Christian teachings and moral values ​​and embraces harmful, hurtful doctrines that confuse and even destroy young lives?

Gregg Schweiger


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