
Religion: Giving division its place

Religion: Giving division its place

By Pastor David Constien

In view of the division that characterizes our country and our politics today, the Bible gives us a good message for our lives in a divided world, a promise and live by it. The debate about the division within the church in Ephesus, the apostle Paul reminded the Ephesians (Ephesians 2:12-17) that they once lived without hope and without God in the world.

Religion: Giving division its place

Pastor David Constien

But that changed when those who were “far away” “brought near” through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. There Paul says: Jesus has made us one (with God and with each other in faith) and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of enmity. He has reconciled us all to God in one body through the cross, by which hostility was killed.

There is really nothing new under the sun, as King Solomon says. Tensions between the different tribes, nations, languages ​​and Speaking in tongues has existed since the beginning of time. The apostle Paul reminds us that people of all kinds affirm and confess is that no matter how divided we may be, we are all united in to carry the effects and separation of sin within ourselves. It may be a cliché, but there is really only one race of God’s creation and that is the Humanity. Ultimately, we all come from the same hand and were infected with the same sin that separated us from our Creator and from each other.

The good news, however, is that the continuous fragmentation that was the hallmark of history began to reverse through the deep love God in Jesus Christ. Jesus took all divisions, all separations, and all alienations into His own flesh, and He destroyed them there! The hatred in the world killed Jesus, but somehow, in God’s Plan, that hatred that killed Jesus is exactly what Jesus said in His body and there He killed him! He killed the hostility! Jesus is our Peace!

We can believe and cling to this promise – that Jesus tear down the things that divide, the hostility is over! And through faith in God has begun to create a new humanity that will be complete when he comes back. We may not see it now with our physical eyes, but all are invited to recognize this reality through faith – that Jesus is our Peace. The answer to our divisions already exists!

So when divisions begin to grow, when hatred and Hostility begins to come, with faith we take it and put it back into the

Wounds of Jesus! Leave it where it belongs – in the body of Jesus, and where he left it – in the empty tomb!

Yes, life in this divided world brings challenges, Divisions are increasing and peace sometimes seems far away. It is a world This still needs a lot of care until Jesus comes again. He is our peace. Peace and unity, which may seem so fragile, actually exist because God worked in Jesus.

In view of this, we must be aware that we are not only People who hold opposing views on a particular issue or belief. We must not to demonize the other. The revelations, personal attacks, speeches in Extremes and exaggerations, the misrepresentations and half-truths that we Seeing and hearing around us only feeds conflicts and reinforces Polarization. It only makes it more and more difficult to Humanity, to hear God’s call for peace and to follow his command, Love.

We must listen and seek understanding as we work for our common good. We need to slow down, take a deep breath, and direct the hostility where it belongs – into the wounds of Jesus, and where he left it – in his empty grave! May God grant it in our lives, our country and this world.

Rev. David Constien, pastor of Mesquite Lutheran Church, proclaims the Word of God in its truth and purity in worship services on Sundays at 10:00 a.m. and in Bible studies on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. For more information, visit:, Facebook: @mesquiteLCC, (702) 346-5811. The Mesquite Lutheran Childcare Center can be reached at (702) 346-3954.

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