
Rent your dream styles at Seattle boutique Armoire Go

Rent your dream styles at Seattle boutique Armoire Go

Want to refresh your wardrobe without completely overhauling it? There’s a sustainable way to stay stylish every season.

Armoire is a Seattle-based, woman-owned clothing rental company that will dress you for everyday wear or a special occasion.

Armoire uses a membership model where stylists organize monthly rentals for members. After taking an online style quiz, members are given a selection of clothes to rent. You choose your items (4 items, 7 items, or an unlimited number of items, depending on your membership level) and they are shipped to you. When you’re done wearing them and want a new selection of clothes, simply mail your items back and wait for your next package to arrive. Armoire takes care of all the laundry and basic care of the clothes. (And you can cancel your membership at any time.)

Annie Barker, Director of Member Experience, says: “We are exactly what you need if you are a busy working woman.”

While members from across the country can rent clothing through Armoire, Seattle-area customers have the benefit of Armoire Go, a personal space in the Armoire warehouse in SODO where they can browse clothing, have access to personalized styling services and meet other members of the Armoire community.

If you’re already a member, you can stop by Armoire Go and pick up your order, try things on like you would in a regular store, and exchange clothes from the shelves for new inventory.

Additionally, if you’re not sure if Armoire is right for you, prospective members can stop by Armoire Go and see first-hand if the company is a good fit for you.

Barker explains that renting clothes gives you the opportunity to try and experiment with new things, dress up more often than you normally would and not worry about how often you wear a piece of clothing. She also stresses, “It’s a great way to be more sustainable and still have fun with fashion.”

Barker also points out that many of her members appreciate the help of a stylist, especially during changes in their lives.

Check out Armoire today and see for yourself that clothing rentals could be a great option for your wardrobe!

Ellie White is a freelance writer for Seattle Refined. Find more of her work here.

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