
Retailers are taking steps to protect their employees and calling store attacks not a “victimless crime”

Retailers are taking steps to protect their employees and calling store attacks not a “victimless crime”

UK retailers have joined together for urgent talks to discuss how to protect staff and customers during the nationwide unrest, with industry bodies warning people to remember that attacks on shops are not “victimless crimes”.

Around 190 company representatives attended a meeting organised by the British Retail Consortium (BRC) on Wednesday.

The police, the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Economy and Trade have been invited to listen to the concerns of retailers who fear being drawn into the unrest.

Previously, a wave of unrest and violence had occurred in numerous small and large cities, during which shops in the city centers fell victim to looting and vandalism.

The Federation of Independent Retailers said it was working to help its members who may be affected by the unrest, including providing information on support services such as legal advice and help with making insurance claims.

In addition, feedback was collected to submit applications for government support.

The group’s national president, Mo Razzaq, said: “We are shocked and appalled by the scenes of violence, rioting, looting and destruction that have unfolded in towns and cities across the UK over the past few nights.”

“Our top priority is always our members. That’s why we are doing – and will continue to do – everything in our power to help everyone affected get back on their feet.”

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) also said that businesses affected by nationwide unrest would likely need support.

FSB national chairman Martin McTague said: “The events of the last few days have been horrific and the strain they have placed on the small business community cannot be overstated.

He added: “An attack on a commercial building may seem like a victimless crime, but it is not. It is a blow to a small business owner’s hard-earned livelihood and causes damage that can take weeks or months to repair.”

“Affected companies need help from insurers to get back on their feet and a quick payment of compensation for the unrest.”

Damage to the shop window of a butcher's shopDamage to the shop window of a butcher's shop

Damage to the window of a butcher’s shop in Hartlepool following a violent protest (Owen Humphreys/PA)

Under the law of England and Wales, victims of criminal damage and damage to their property during a riot can claim up to one million pounds in compensation from the police authorities.

This applies both to persons who do not have appropriate insurance cover and to insurers who wish to be reimbursed for the amounts paid.

Shops are urged to remove displays and equipment such as tables and chairs from outside the stores as these could be stolen or used as projectiles by rioters.

Retailers are also considering closing their stores early or temporarily if they fear there may be unrest nearby.

The National Business Crime Centre (NBCC) could also provide advice during the discussions and serve as a resource for cooperation between police and businesses in preventing and combating crime.

Retail crime has become a critical problem for retailers, who are taking tough action against rising numbers of shoplifting incidents and harassment and violence against store employees.

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