
Revealed: RFK, Jr’s Best Dope Stories

Revealed: RFK, Jr’s Best Dope Stories

Photo source: Gage Skidmore – CC BY-SA 2.0

RFK Jr. used to shoot heroin with Keith Richards, and I guess that’s about the coolest thing you can imagine when it comes to shooting heroin.

Despite his experience with needles, “Bobby” (as his friends call him) faces a lot of criticism from Democrats, medical experts, and his family for being an anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist.

Bobby’s drug past is no secret – his 1983 heroin raid was on the front page of The New York TimesAnd since he endorsed Trump on August 23, his days as a slugfest have been making headlines again. My favorite example is The Atlantic Tabloid headline “RFK Jr. was my drug dealer.”

The media, however, never mentions the Keith Richards affair, and that is actually the best thing about it. For that, we must turn to the remarkably sordid memoir entitled: Papa Johnby John Phillips, leader of the popular 1960s folk-rock vocal quartet The Mamas and the Papas.

For the benefit of the media, MAGA, and CounterPunchers, I have copied the relevant excerpts directly from Papa John’s out-of-print book and pasted them below. You’re welcome!


“One of my new acquaintances was Bobby Kennedy Jr. Bobby would usually come by alone to do drugs… Sometimes he would come by several nights a week, hang out, get high and then leave.”

“Bobby was always welcome. His life seemed to be in balance. He could take drugs for a week on and off and then go whitewater rafting in a remote wilderness.”

“Bobby had a penchant for speedballs, which mixed the hazy euphoria of heroin with the clear invincibility of coke. He was pretty good at handling himself. We would sit up for hours discussing politics, literature, jazz, blues, art…”

“Bobby had met Mick and Keith and when they came to visit we would stay up until the early hours, get the guitars out and sing blues songs all night long. Bobby loved acoustic blues the way Keith and Mick played it, with the influence of Robert Johnson from the Mississippi Delta.”

“Ironically, Bobby and Mick shared an even more obscure area of ​​knowledge: opiate substitutes. He and Mick both asked me – at different times – to supply them with the Methodone-like Dolophine… Almost no one had ever heard of the Nazis’ World War II morphine substitute.”

“Most coke addicts experience the same bizarre hallucination: disgusting bugs crawling all over their bodies, either over them or, in my case, under my skin. This was the most terrifying aspect of shooting up coke, and it opened the door to the void of madness. The more coke I shot, the more often I saw them: horrible white bugs, like maggots, wriggling and crawling just beneath the surface of my skin. Freud recognized this psychotic reaction, and it has since been called formiphobia, after the French word for ant, fourmi. I believed not only that they were real, but that they lived in my eyes… I once made Bobby Kennedy stare at my eyes in the bathroom for 15 minutes after shooting up—so he could see them coming out.”

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