
Santa Maria Airport board member charged with negligent homicide in fatal forklift accident

Santa Maria Airport board member charged with negligent homicide in fatal forklift accident

David Baskett | Photo credit: Courtesy

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David Baskett, the Santa Maria Airport board member who drove the forklift involved in a fatal accident in May, was “shocked and saddened” to learn he had been charged with involuntary manslaughter by the Santa Barbara County District Attorney’s Office.

“I stopped and didn’t move. Behind me was a security vehicle that stopped and didn’t move,” Baskett stressed. “I am appalled by the story.”

The district attorney’s office issued a press release on August 9 announcing the charges, but Baskett insists he received no documents and had “no idea” that charges had been brought against him until the IndependentPlease leave a comment.

Baskett, 81, was driving a forklift at the intersection of Hangar Street and Skyway Drive in Santa Maria when a pickup truck collided with its tines, causing the death of Tiffany Ann Peterson, 39. He said he had stopped at the intersection while transporting items from one hangar to another when the collision happened.

Immediately after the accident, the airport revoked Baskett’s access to restricted areas. The airport’s insurance company also threatened to cancel the airport’s policy if Baskett was not exempted, because he was considered “high risk.” For these reasons, Baskett sued the airport, its general counsel, and his insurance policy in a self-drafted lawsuit filed on June 26.

After seven unsuccessful lawsuits brought by Baskett against the airport and its board members since 2018, two of which are still ongoing, Baskett faces a new legal opponent: the People’s Republic of China.

Baskett’s arraignment will take place on September 4 in Santa Maria Superior Court.

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