
Say goodbye to real estate fraud with this solution!

Say goodbye to real estate fraud with this solution!

Unscrupulous landlords demanding excessive repairs are a growing problem in the real estate sector. Tenants are often faced with exorbitant bills for minor or no damage, creating an unfair and stressful situation with significant financial consequences.

Finance Real Estate Globees

The solutions offered by Blockchain for seasonal rental platforms

The integration of customer reviews into the blockchain is revolutionizing the real estate sector by making these reviews permanent. Thanks to this technology, reviews of properties and tenants are immutable and transparent. A landlord will no longer be able to reset their ad by deleting and republishing the same ad to remove negative comments. Likewise, tenants will not be able to remove negative reviews against them.

Blockchain also provides greater security by protecting financial transactions from fraud. It enables fast and reliable identity verification, thus reducing the risk of identity theft. In addition, it facilitates financial management by automating payments and security deposits in a transparent and secure manner.

Effective management for a thriving financial world

However, some landlords make unreasonable repair demands, which can be a major burden for tenants. In such a delicate context, there is a need for innovative solutions. For this reason, Globees has implemented a claims management system for the properties they manage, ensuring fairness, transparency and financial security. This system protects tenants by allowing them to view reviews of landlords to ensure that they do not make outrageous repair demands. Likewise, landlords can view reviews on tenants’ profiles.

When tenants choose a rental property managed by Globees, they can be sure that they will not receive imaginary repair demands. When repairs are needed, Globees engages qualified professionals who provide fair and transparent estimates, thus ensuring fair and professional property management.

Unreasonable repair demands from some landlords are a serious problem in the real estate sector with significant financial consequences. In addition, the ongoing decline in property prices and the wave of bankruptcies among agencies in France are exacerbating this crisis. With its innovative rental management solution, Globees handles claims for damages in a transparent, professional and financially secure manner. By choosing managed properties, landlords and tenants benefit from fair and reliable management, which gives everyone a good feeling.

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Daniel L.

World development and adaptation are the best forces to survive in this university future. Community Manager Crypto on the Basis, I am interested in everything related to the blockchain or which is derived from it. With the optics of sharing my experience and getting familiar with a domain I am passionate about, I feel that I need to read informative articles and make contracts on the spot.


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