
Scott: There is no place for tyrants in Fountain Hills

Scott: There is no place for tyrants in Fountain Hills

Don Scott | Fountain Hill

When RED supporters elected candidate Allen Skillicorn, they got a council member who was on brand. To be clear, as a self-proclaimed “agent of chaos,” Skillicorn spreads his signature hostility and reputations are vilified, groups are targeted and stigmatized, and communities suffer. Giving him power exacerbates the “chaos.”

When an ASU professor was harassed and physically assaulted by Hannah Toth’s employer, Turning Point USA, Skillicorn labeled him a “pedophile” on social media. Skillicorn recently attempted to damage another reputation — that of a highly respected Fountain Hills teacher — by reposting a Gays Against Groomers post using his own toxic language, calling the teacher a “weird pervert.”

Skillicorn sought to discredit our community’s public library by labeling the library’s commitment to Pride Month inclusion and representation through recommended reading as “woke porn” and collaborating with a far-right fake news outlet.

After being elected to the City Council by a 20-vote margin, the ROT-backed Skillicorn seized the opportunity to fire the city’s top government advisor, effectively removing the guardrails for Skillicorn’s own lobbying efforts in the Arizona Legislature that were not in Fountain Hills’ best interests. ROT-backed Gerry Friedel supported this damaging action.

Friedel has defended and supported Skillicorn. When Skillicorn bullied city employees and when Skillicorn confronted an MCSO deputy, Friedel supported the bully. When a resident brought Skillicorn’s social media slur against her and the LGBTQ+ community into a council meeting, Friedel defended Skillicorn. We have witnessed Friedel’s bullying and uncouth temper.

When Friedel uses the slogan “Fountain Hills First,” be sure to read the fine print. Our charming small-town community deserves respected, respectable, selfless and cooperative leaders, not biased bullies defending biased bullies whose “first” agenda is isolationism, exclusion and vilification.

Reader reactions, for or against, are welcome at [email protected].

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