
Stunning time-lapse footage shows Aurora from the International Space Station

Stunning time-lapse footage shows Aurora from the International Space Station

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Archaeologists uncover the last moments of the “lovers” in Pompeii

The skeletons of a man and woman found together in the ruins of Pompeii have given archaeologists incredible insight into what may have been the horrific final moments of two lovers. Archaeologists working in the Regio IX, Insula 10 area of ​​Pompeii found the remains of the man and woman alongside a small hoard of coins and precious ornaments. The two individuals were found in a small room, possibly a makeshift bedroom where they sought refuge during the catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD. The woman, who was found lying on a bed, was carrying a collection of gold, silver and bronze coins, as well as jewelry, including gold and pearl earrings. Gabriel Zuchtriegel, director of the Pompeii Archaeological Park, said: “The possibility of analyzing the very valuable anthropological data on the two victims found in the archaeological context of their tragic end allows us to recover a considerable amount of data on the daily life of the ancient Pompeians.” The room, located behind a previously documented blue shrine and accessible from a large hall, was probably chosen by the couple as a shelter from the volcanic debris that fell for hours. The room remained free of pumice thanks to a closed window, but the adjacent room filled with volcanic material, trapping the couple inside. They finally met their fate when the pyroclastic flows reached them. Footprints in the ash have allowed archaeologists to reconstruct the room’s layout and furnishings, which included a bed, a chest, a bronze candelabra and a marble-topped table. The bronze, glass and ceramic objects remained in place and provide a snapshot of the moment the eruption claimed their lives.

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