
Barcelona is the latest city to ban Airbnb rentals

Barcelona is the latest city to ban Airbnb rentals

Depending on how you look at it, the story of Airbnb is either that of an online service thriving after serving an underserved niche, or that of a technological oversupply causing serious damage to the urban landscape. On the one hand, there are many cases of Airbnb providing travelers with a pleasant living space that […]

You can rent Norman Mailer’s apartment in Brooklyn Heights

You can rent Norman Mailer’s apartment in Brooklyn Heights

At a time when the legacies of many celebrated writers are being reexamined in the wake of their actions, Norman Mailer still stands out more than most. Much of this has to do with the fact that he stabbed his wife Adele Morales to death in 1960—though that is far from the only act of […]

Is there a universal model for recycling food waste?

Is there a universal model for recycling food waste?

How much of the food we bring home each week ends up in the trash? According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, that number is 30 to 40 percent—which prompted the U.S. government to cut that percentage in half by 2030. That’s easier said than done, though. If you live in New York City, you’ve […]