
Study: Aging in place is the biggest “social barrier” for seniors

Study: Aging in place is the biggest “social barrier” for seniors

According to a new survey by Focus on healthThe survey was first reported by Senior living in McKnights. “As more seniors choose to live independently and longer in their own homes, aging in place brings its own challenges: Nearly seven in 10 view aging in place as one of the biggest social barriers to their […]

HUD announces new round of home renovation grants to help seniors grow old in their own homes

HUD announces new round of home renovation grants to help seniors grow old in their own homes

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on Thursday announced the award of $3.7 million to two nonprofit organizations and a low-income senior housing authority to help low-income seniors make home improvements so they can age in their familiar homes. These projects are described as “low-cost, low-barrier, high-impact home modifications” that, according to […]

Seniors in rural areas who want to grow old in their familiar four walls are struggling with a shortage of caregivers

Seniors in rural areas who want to grow old in their familiar four walls are struggling with a shortage of caregivers

In rural areas of the United States, there are approximately 35% fewer home care workers to care for the aging population than in urban areas. This is the result of a study by the University of Minnesota, which was commissioned by the Population Reference Office (PRB), a private, non-profit research organization that receives funding from […]