
Russia convicts five men for anti-Israel riots at Dagestan airport

Russia convicts five men for anti-Israel riots at Dagestan airport

A court in southern Russia sentenced five men to more than six years in prison each on Friday. These were the first convictions in connection with the anti-Israel mass riots last October at an airport in the predominantly Muslim region of Dagestan. The men, who were sentenced to prison terms ranging from just over […]

Anti-Semitic arsonist from New Jersey sentenced to seven years in prison for destroying his home

Anti-Semitic arsonist from New Jersey sentenced to seven years in prison for destroying his home

An anti-Semitic New Jersey arsonist was sentenced to seven years in prison Friday for a series of crimes against Jewish residents. In the course of his spree, he burned down one Manchester home, damaged three others and vandalized 14 others, according to the Ocean County District Attorney’s Office and Manchester police. Ron Carr, 35, […]

Hateful cyclist hits man in Central Park, growls “damn Jew!” and speeds away: police

Hateful cyclist hits man in Central Park, growls “damn Jew!” and speeds away: police

A hateful cyclist attacked an elderly man in Central Park and shouted at him: “Damn Jew!” – according to authorities, the number of hate crimes against Jewish victims in the Big Apple continues to rise. The perpetrator approached the 70-year-old victim from behind shortly after 6 p.m. on July 13 on West Drive near the […]