
When it comes to military AI, there is no second place

When it comes to military AI, there is no second place

When discussing future military capabilities today, artificial intelligence and the way it will transform warfare is at the top of the list. But in the Pentagon and other armed forces, AI ambitions do not match current budgetary reality. And while more money is rarely the answer to all of the Department of Defense’s shortcomings, it […]

Reduce fast food on base to shrink oversized force, leader says

Reduce fast food on base to shrink oversized force, leader says

As the military grapples with a growing number of overweight soldiers in its ranks, removing fast-food restaurants from bases could help reduce obesity rates in the armed forces, according to the U.S. military’s highest-ranking officer. The comments by Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Troy E Black, the senior enlisted advisor to the Chairman of the Joint […]

NATO states should withdraw the treaty banning cluster bombs

NATO states should withdraw the treaty banning cluster bombs

The current geopolitical situation, marked by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and the return of the power struggle between the major powers, requires a reassessment of NATO’s stance towards cluster munitions. Under the leadership of Jens Stoltenberg, NATO adopted the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CMC) in 2008, which banned 124 member states from stockpiling, using […]