
Just wondering | Gasoline prices at the start of school? | News

Just wondering | Gasoline prices at the start of school? | News

On Fridays at 2 p.m., our Kathy Reiser answers readers’ questions. Put her to the test by clicking here or sending an email to [email protected]. How much will we spend on gas to take our kids to college or drive them to school? Can you believe it’s that time again? As the seasons change and […]

The Olympic Games at home and away

The Olympic Games at home and away

Dear reader, The Olympic Games ended with a fitting finale as the U.S. women’s basketball team came from behind to win in magnificent fashion. If you don’t think that was a special moment, just look at the photos of senior center Brittney Griner with her hand over her heart and tears streaming down her cheeks […]

EAT AND LIKE: Plant Riverside District’s biggest food hits | Eat and Like | Savannah News, Events, Restaurants, Music

EAT AND LIKE: Plant Riverside District’s biggest food hits | Eat and Like | Savannah News, Events, Restaurants, Music

When I was putting together my first book, Savannah Food Crawls, a few years ago, I thought briefly about where to start this journey through Savannah. There was only one logical place, and that was at the Savannah River. The first chapter of this book is called Savannah’s modern theme park. The original title–Savannah’s Waterfront […]

A story about loneliness, belonging and crossword puzzles

A story about loneliness, belonging and crossword puzzles

Of course I was upset. I told myself that the perpetrator was probably just someone passing through the area, maybe a drifter who knew nothing about Hawaii. The next day, however, I found that my crossword puzzle had been solved again. I had a problem. I asked the barista if she could save the crossword […]