
Homeless camps in Cottage Grove face eviction and will be relocated to a nearby dog ​​park

Homeless camps in Cottage Grove face eviction and will be relocated to a nearby dog ​​park

EUGENE, Arch — About 140 residents of two licensed homeless camps in Cottage Grove will be evicted Thursday morning. The residents of these camps were given two weeks’ notice. Most of those who packed their things were long-term residents. Ashlie Armstrong, a homeless woman who lives on 12th Street, says, “A lot of people are […]

Kevin Spacey faces eviction from his Baltimore villa after foreclosure, investor claims stalemate

Kevin Spacey faces eviction from his Baltimore villa after foreclosure, investor claims stalemate

Kevin Spacey is reportedly refusing to vacate his Baltimore mansion after losing the property at a foreclosure auction. The luxury waterfront home, which sits on a pier that juts out into the Patapsco River, was purchased by Bethesda-based investor Sam Asgari at an auction in Baltimore Circuit Court for $3.24 million. Asgari told the Baltimore […]

Camp in Cesar Chavez Park cleared, migrants struggle to find where to go

Camp in Cesar Chavez Park cleared, migrants struggle to find where to go

SAN DIEGO (KGTV) – Cesar Chavez Park in Barrio Logan is empty after port police issued a 10 a.m. deadline for all campers to leave the park Thursday morning. The port told ABC 10News it has not issued any citations or made any arrests, but many of the park’s residents did not know where to […]

There are plans to help residents who could be displaced by the construction of a new stadium

There are plans to help residents who could be displaced by the construction of a new stadium

SAN ANTONIO — A new baseball stadium is being planned for the Missions downtown. On Thursday we learned that the Missions’ move could potentially lead to people moving away. On the outskirts of downtown you will find Robert “Rocky” Lopez. “We love San Antonio. We love being downtown,” Lopez said. Lopez said there have been […]