
High consumption of highly processed foods leads to increasing BMI and fat percentage in young children

High consumption of highly processed foods leads to increasing BMI and fat percentage in young children

In a recent study published in BMC Medicine, researchers investigated the association between ultra-processed food (UPF) intake, obesity, and metabolic indicators in preschool children in Chile. Study: Consumption of highly processed foods was associated with obesity but not with metabolic indicators in a prospective cohort study of Chilean preschool childrenPhoto credit: Rimma Bondarenko/ background Childhood […]

Study shows: Eating foods containing erythritol increases the risk of cardiovascular disease

Study shows: Eating foods containing erythritol increases the risk of cardiovascular disease

New research from the Cleveland Clinic shows that eating foods containing erythritol, a popular artificial sweetener, increases the risk of cardiovascular events such as heart attack and stroke. Results from a new intervention study in healthy volunteers show that erythritol increases the activity of platelets (a type of blood cell), which may increase the risk […]