
State Rep. Carmine Gentile co-sponsored a bill to restrict glyphosate use in Massachusetts. He will speak at a screening of “Into the Weeds” at the Triplex to discuss the issue | South Berkshires

State Rep. Carmine Gentile co-sponsored a bill to restrict glyphosate use in Massachusetts. He will speak at a screening of “Into the Weeds” at the Triplex to discuss the issue | South Berkshires

A still from the documentary film “Into the Weeds,” which will be shown Tuesday at the Triplex Cinema in Great Barrington. The film tells the story of Dewayne “Lee” Johnson (pictured right), who sued Monsanto Co., alleging that his non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma was caused by the company’s glyphosate-based weed killer Roundup. State Rep. Carmen Gentile will […]

Home renovation is expensive in the Berkshires. Federal Community Block grants help | Local news

Home renovation is expensive in the Berkshires. Federal Community Block grants help | Local news

Lana Joy, a home care worker, applied for Otis’ 2022 Community Block Grant. Her 31-year-old home received a new metal roof, new windows, doors, new siding, and a restored porch. Claire O’Callahan – The Berkshire Eagle Two years ago, Christmas came early for Lana Joy. Your gift? A freshly renovated home. “Every day I would […]