
How an American makes $1 million from a restaurant that has never served a customer – Firstpost

How an American makes  million from a restaurant that has never served a customer – Firstpost

An American runs a restaurant whose annual turnover is in the seven-figure range. But there is a catch: he has never had a customer. Drew Talbert’s hugely popular creation is Bistro Huddy, a fictional restaurant found only on TikTok. Here’s everything we know about it. Source of income The comedy sketches about the catering profession […]

Comprehensive social in-store experiences are the key to the success of the launch of the “Indiana Jones” collection

Comprehensive social in-store experiences are the key to the success of the launch of the “Indiana Jones” collection

Indiana Jones, played by mega-movie star Harrison Ford, is perhaps one of the most popular characters in modern film history. So when Lucasfilm prepared the publication of the fifth and last film of the character’s successful series, Indiana Jones and the Blade of DestinyThe studio focused on creating a big stir. Lucasfilm and one of […]