
Have you heard about the time hundreds of critters invaded an airport in Michigan?

Have you heard about the time hundreds of critters invaded an airport in Michigan?

LANSING, Mich. – Did you hear about the time hundreds of critters broke out of their crates and occupied an airport in Michigan? Yes, that actually happened. Exactly 33 years ago on Friday, over 250 gerbils and hamsters entered the Capital Region International Airport in Lansing. Remember: 1991 was a different time. It was the […]

At that time, hundreds of gerbils and hamsters occupied an airport in Michigan

Have you heard about the time hundreds of critters invaded an airport in Michigan?

LANSING, Mich. – What was the strangest thing that held you up or made you fall behind on something? A friend of mine once had a hot air balloon land on the road in front of him. I got hit by a truck tire on 696 (that wasn’t great). A few years ago my dad […]

East Lansing DDA is considering hiring a firm to market the sale of a property on Evergreen Avenue

East Lansing DDA is considering hiring a firm to market the sale of a property on Evergreen Avenue

EAST LANSING – Two companies have submitted marketing proposals to the East Lansing DDA that officials hope could ultimately lead to the sale of several long-vacant properties and new development near downtown. The city’s DDA purchased the properties at 314, 328, 334, 340 and 344 Evergreen Ave. more than 15 years ago for just over […]

Hotel must dispose of breakfast wraps

Hotel must dispose of breakfast wraps

LANSING – When county health inspectors visit local restaurants, they document problems that need to be corrected to meet standards set by Michigan food regulations and laws. The most serious problems are considered priority violations, which pose potential health risks and should be addressed immediately. Priority basic violations do not pose immediate health risks but […]