
Kanye West employee shares text message from rapper asking for laughing gas

Kanye West employee shares text message from rapper asking for laughing gas

Kanye West’s former chief of staff Milo Yiannopoulos shared text messages that allegedly show the rapper asking his dentist for laughing gas. Getty Images Kanye West’s former chief of staff shared text messages that allegedly show the rapper asking his dentist for laughing gas. Milo Yiannopoulos posted a screenshot of the group conversation between himself, […]

Text messages between Kanye West and his dentist reveal possible laughing gas addiction

Text messages between Kanye West and his dentist reveal possible laughing gas addiction

Kanye West continues to make headlines with little good news to share, but this time his health may be at risk. Candid text messages between West and his dentist, revealed by West’s former chief of staff, show that his claims that the fashion and music mogul is addicted to laughing gas may well be true. […]

Kanye West’s alleged laughing gas addiction revealed in leaked text messages with dentist

Kanye West’s alleged laughing gas addiction revealed in leaked text messages with dentist

Kanye West’s alleged laughing gas addiction revealed in leaked text messages with dentist In an insightful group text thread, Kanye Westalso known as Herasks his dentist for laughing gas. The messages that were sent in the course of a dispute between Her and his former chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulosshed light on Yes alleged dependence […]

Kanye West asks his dentist for laughing gas in a disturbing text exchange

Kanye West asks his dentist for laughing gas in a disturbing text exchange

The Kanye West saga continues to take unexpected, tragic turns. West’s former chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, claimed the rapper was secretly addicted to laughing gas. Yiannopoulos dropped the bombshell on August 7, blaming dentist Thomas P. Connelly. The former chief of staff believed Connelly got the rapper addicted to “impair Ye’s mental faculties so… […]

These are the 10 best concerts I have ever attended

These are the 10 best concerts I have ever attended

The best of the best, for now, from a life full of concerts. I keep thinking about Sade’s 2011 concert at the Palace of Auburn Hills. It was an evening of pure elegance, performed by a master artist, and the show is even more memorable for Sade’s rarity as an artist: she hasn’t performed a […]

Celebrity dentist made Kanye addicted to laughing gas, claims Milo Yiannopoulos

Celebrity dentist made Kanye addicted to laughing gas, claims Milo Yiannopoulos

Kanye West is facing allegations that he has become addicted to nitrous oxide (also known as laughing gas) – so much so that he has huge tanks of it in his apartment, allegedly supplied to him by a celebrity dentist. The allegations emerged amid a bitter split between West, now known as Ye, and the […]