
Daylight saving time: When do the clocks change? Could 2024 be the last time we turn back the clocks?

Daylight saving time: When do the clocks change? Could 2024 be the last time we turn back the clocks?

The morning air is slightly cool and the evening darkness seems to fall a little earlier every day. The time change is probably just around the corner. Daylight saving time ends at 2 a.m. on Sunday, November 3. This used to mean that all clocks had to be manually set back an hour to account […]

In these states the clocks are not set back to daylight saving time

In these states the clocks are not set back to daylight saving time

As the days get longer (and darker earlier) and temperatures drop, PennLive has begun its annual Daylight Saving Time coverage. However, there are actually a few states in the US where the clocks do not “go back” for this biennial event. Tododisca US – which focuses on “news on disability, care, older people, health, economics […]

What kind of weather does Michigan need to produce the most beautiful fall colors?

What kind of weather does Michigan need to produce the most beautiful fall colors?

Did you know that certain weather patterns make for more vibrant fall foliage? Likewise, varying weather can reduce the amount of fall color seen during a season. As we approach the second half of August, we can start looking at a few different resources to determine what the foliage might look like this year. First, […]