
Dear Abby, We are happy to help our neighbor with minor repairs around the house, but we do not want to have dinner with her.

Dear Abby, We are happy to help our neighbor with minor repairs around the house, but we do not want to have dinner with her.

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I moved to a neighborhood a few years ago where most of the residents are our age, and we have become friends with the widow next door. My husband and I help her with any minor household problems and light yard work. We enjoy doing this. She and I also […]

Miss Manners: The sign says “No food or drinks”, but customers still come into the store with pizza and coffee

Miss Manners: The sign says “No food or drinks”, but customers still come into the store with pizza and coffee

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I own a store where I sell fine paper goods. After countless coffee stains and food stains appeared on the merchandise, I put up a “NO FOOD OR DRINK” sign near the front door. People still come in with greasy pizza slices, dripping ice cream cones and overflowing cups of coffee. When […]

Miss Manners: The sign says “No food or drinks”, but customers still come into the store with pizza and coffee

Miss Manners: The sign says “No food or drinks”, but customers still come into the store with pizza and coffee

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I own a store where I sell fine paper goods. After countless coffee stains and food stains appeared on the merchandise, I put up a “NO FOOD OR DRINK” sign near the front door. People still come in with greasy pizza slices, dripping ice cream cones and overflowing cups of coffee. When […]