
Instacart partners with Maryland County to alleviate food shortages and support local grocers with a “groundbreaking” but replicable MC Groceries program

Instacart partners with Maryland County to alleviate food shortages and support local grocers with a “groundbreaking” but replicable MC Groceries program

This morning, the government of Montgomery County, Maryland, and Instacart unveiled a “groundbreaking” public-private partnership that will leverage Instacart’s Health Fresh Funds and Virtual Storefronts technologies to distribute up to $1.8 million in county online grocery grants to area families who earn too much to qualify for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program but too little […]

Taste, authenticity and customer loyalty as drivers for food and beverages

Taste, authenticity and customer loyalty as drivers for food and beverages

One of the key trends is growing consumer interest in flavors from around the world, which has increased even further during the COVID-19 pandemic. The demand for flavors from around the world is still there, and according to Innova Market Insights​, consumers are now looking for exceptional flavors that offer both comfort and adventure. Source: […]