
I come from Japan, what I drink every day for a long life

I come from Japan, what I drink every day for a long life

Growing up in Nara, Japan, surrounded by tea fields, Matcha tea has always been a part of my life. The full aroma and deep bitter and sweet umami taste of this vibrant green tea evokes so much nostalgia in me. When I was in high school, I started taking formal tea ceremony lessons. It was […]

I am a 101-year-old author – my 8 best lessons for a long, happy life

I am a 101-year-old author – my 8 best lessons for a long, happy life

There is a completely false notion in our culture that life is over when you reach a certain age. But your golden years, like mine, can be the best years of your life. My life has required a certain amount of courage. I was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1922, just after Prohibition began. My […]

The highly processed foods I avoid

The highly processed foods I avoid

I’m from Loma Linda, California, a small town that is considered the only “Blue Zone” in America. Studies have shown that residents there live up to ten years longer than the rest of the United States. Today, much of my work is influenced by my upbringing and the emphasis my community in Loma Linda places […]

5 phrases smart people use to succeed at work

5 phrases smart people use to succeed at work

Have you ever sat in a meeting and wondered why it feels like only two or three people dominate the entire conversation? These louder colleagues are usually the first to speak up, give their opinions, and take up most of the meeting time. Before you know it, the meeting is over and you haven’t said […]