
Missoula Airport opens for non-ticket holders

Missoula Airport opens for non-ticket holders

(Missoula Current) Want to see what’s happening at Missoula Montana Airport but don’t have a ticket? The new Explore MSO Pass program is perfect for you. The new program, launched Monday, allows guests without tickets to pass through security – something that was once commonplace but was eliminated after 9/11 more than two decades ago. […]

Missoula Airport receives $3.4 million to complete terminal expansion

Missoula Airport receives .4 million to complete terminal expansion

Martin Kidston (Missoula Current) The Missoula Montana Airport is enjoying a record-breaking summer and is receiving an additional $3.4 million in federal funding to complete one of its major projects. Senator Jon Tester announced the funding last week as part of the latest bipartisan infrastructure bill allocation. The airport received $6 million earlier this year. […]

County wants to put $1.7 million levy for road and bridge needs to a vote

County wants to put .7 million levy for road and bridge needs to a vote

Martin Kidston (Missoula Current) When voters go to the polls in November, they will be asked to raise up to five per thousand to fund the maintenance and repair of Missoula County’s roads and bridges, as well as other infrastructure needs. The measure would raise about $1.7 million a year and help make up for […]