
Expanded use of common antibiotics reduces child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa by 14 percent

Expanded use of common antibiotics reduces child mortality in sub-Saharan Africa by 14 percent

When research from UC San Francisco showed that routine treatment of children in sub-Saharan Africa with a common antibiotic could reduce deaths among children under five, the World Health Organization (WHO) quickly recommended the treatment – ​​but only for infants between the ages of one and 11 months. Now researchers at UCSF have shown that […]

New study highlights the need for adjustments in highly processed foods

New study highlights the need for adjustments in highly processed foods

In a recently published study Nutrition & Dietetics, Given the increasing prevalence of highly processed foods, researchers are reassessing the Australian and New Zealand Health Star Rating (HSR). Study: Modification of the Health Star Rating nutrient profiling algorithm to account for ultraprocessing. Photo credit: Sasirin Pamai / The health effects of highly processed foods […]

New wearable biosensor could revolutionize home heart failure screening

New wearable biosensor could revolutionize home heart failure screening

Heart failure is one of the leading causes of death worldwide and is particularly deadly for people who do not have access to medical facilities. A team of researchers therefore wants to bring heart failure screening from the laboratory to the home setting. Their point-of-care prototype electrochemical biosensor, which resembles a see-through lateral flow test […]