
Cannabis consumption leads to absenteeism from work

Cannabis consumption leads to absenteeism from work

A new analysis of 46,499 working adults in the United States using data from the 2021-2022 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) found that recent and frequent cannabis use and cannabis use disorder (CUD) were associated with higher rates of workplace absence, including both absences due to illness/injury and missed work days. Among […]

Study shows low use of special treatments

Cannabis consumption leads to absenteeism from work

Only four percent of people who are examined and report heavy drinking subsequently receive special treatment for their alcohol consumption, according to a study published in Alcohol: Clinical and experimental research. The study found that race, ethnicity, and health risk profile were associated with differences in the likelihood of receiving specialty care. These findings are […]

Greenhouse gas HFC-23: Reducing emissions is a

Greenhouse gas HFC-23: Reducing emissions is a

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are powerful greenhouse gases. The most powerful of these compounds is trifluoromethane, also known as HFC-23. One kilogram of HFC-23 in the atmosphere contributes as much to the greenhouse effect as 12,000 kilograms of CO₂. It takes around 200 years for the gas to decay in the atmosphere. For this reason, more than […]

Walmart Foundation invests in species conservation

Walmart Foundation invests in species conservation

Newswise — New York, August 20, 2024 — The Walmart Foundation has awarded the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) a four-year grant that will significantly advance its work in Indonesia. The grant will support a landscape initiative in the southern province of Aceh: a key region for forests and biodiversity, as well as smallholder farming communities. […]

Adaptive 3D printing system for picking and placing beetles

Adaptive 3D printing system for picking and placing beetles

Newswise — MINNEAPOLIS / ST. PAUL (08/20/2024) — An adaptive 3D printing system developed by researchers at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities can identify the positions of randomly distributed organisms and safely move them to specific locations for assembly. This autonomous technology will save time and money for researchers in bioimaging, cybernetics, cryopreservation and […]