
Fewer misdiagnoses through the right imaging in the right place and at the right time

Fewer misdiagnoses through the right imaging in the right place and at the right time

Image: ©real444 | iSock As emergency departments come under increasing pressure, more and more patients are being referred to other hospitals for minor injuries. While this reduces the burden, the number of missed fractures is increasing, costing the NHS millions in misdiagnosis. As resources in emergency departments across the country continue to be stretched, patients […]

Cancer warning: Common food choices could be linked to increase in cases

Cancer warning: Common food choices could be linked to increase in cases

New research suggests that dietary choices may play a significant role in the rapid increase in colon cancer cases among young people. Scientists at the Cleveland Clinic in the USA analyzed data from more than 60 patients to understand the role of “metabolites” in this cell-mutating disease that begins in the colon. The term “metabolites” […]