
Local school district addresses concerns about cafeteria overcrowding, bathroom rules and expired food | News

Local school district addresses concerns about cafeteria overcrowding, bathroom rules and expired food | News

MARSHALL COUNTY, Kentucky — A local school district is dealing with problems after students complain of overcrowding during lunch periods, strict bathroom policies and expired lunches. In response, students at Marshall County High School started a petition and collected more than 200 signatures. Superintendent Bill Thorpe said they wanted students to voice their concerns, but […]

Rental prices in Calvia explode in summer

Rental prices in Calvia explode in summer

Rental prices for apartments in coastal areas have doubled or even tripled in the last ten over 20 euros per square meter per month in areas such as Calvia (Mallorca) with 22.36 euros per square meter per month, Barcelona city with 22.19 euros, Sitges (Barcelona) with 21.39 euros and San Bartolomé de Tirajana (Las […]