
The Red Cedar Natural Area in Okemos offers hiking trails and river access

The Red Cedar Natural Area in Okemos offers hiking trails and river access

“A Walk in the Park” is an ongoing series by State Journal photographer Nick King, who plans to explore Lansing-area parks for an hour at a time. If you have a suggestion for a park he should visit, email him at [email protected]. The Red Cedar Natural Area in Meridian Township is a wild park along […]

Austin places named Butler refer to 3 different generous families

Austin places named Butler refer to 3 different generous families

A few years ago I came across a fascinating word on Wikipedia: “disambiguate.” The verb to make the world less ambiguous seems just right. Not too long. Easy to understand. Immediately helpful. In this week’s Austin Answered column, we seek to clarify the proper noun “Butler” in relation to local place names. Unlike the places […]