
Her boyfriend’s best gift was this 1964 Pontiac Tempest

Her boyfriend’s best gift was this 1964 Pontiac Tempest

Almost everyone has a story about their first car. Mine isn’t that great: I inherited the family station wagon, a blue 1968 Pontiac Catalina with a pointy nose and rear-facing rear seats. Krista Hollenberg-Cussen has a much better story about her first car, also a station wagon and a Pontiac. She told it to me, […]

Dusty debris and expired food found in Pontiac

Dusty debris and expired food found in Pontiac

According to the Oakland County Health Department, these are just some of the violations identified in Pontiac between March and August. Dusty garbage, expired food and improper storage of raw fish are just some of the violations found in Pontiac between March and August, according to inspection reports from the Oakland County Health Department. Many […]