
How a Prada store was created on a deserted highway

How a Prada store was created on a deserted highway

At this point, you’ve probably seen the strange sight of a standalone Prada boutique in the remote desert before – whether on Beyoncé’s Instagram or on The Simpsons. Berlin-based artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset PradaMarfa is so ubiquitous, yet so misunderstood, that tourists ask every day, “When does it open?” It’s not opening. That’s not […]

Yayoi Kusama delights visitors to Liverpool Street Station with her pulsating sculpture “Infinite Accumulation”

Yayoi Kusama delights visitors to Liverpool Street Station with her pulsating sculpture “Infinite Accumulation”

Visitors queue for hours to see one of Yayoi Kusama’s famous works. Infinity Roombut their latest London artwork can be enjoyed without long queues. Infinite accumulation was installed outside Liverpool Street Station and playfully interacts with the vibrant urban environment. Infinite accumulation is Kusama’s first permanent public sculpture of this scale in the UK and […]