
Rodeos a few years ago – Estes Park Trail-Gazette

Rodeos a few years ago – Estes Park Trail-Gazette

I miss the rodeos of my youth in my hometown and the local rodeos I attended as a spectator or later as an aspiring bareback bronc rider. Those were for me in the early 50’s to about the 70’s. They were smaller and less professional, I’m sure, but they were fun. More fun, I think, […]

The Dreams We Cannot Ignore – Estes Park Trail-Gazette

The Dreams We Cannot Ignore – Estes Park Trail-Gazette

I often have dreams – nightmares, actually – of fires, storms and floods. In these dreams, I am with my daughters, desperately trying to escape. We run from one place to another, only to find that there is no place to run. There is no safe harbor from these storms. Dreams are an integral part […]

Clearing sagebrush – Estes Park Trail-Gazette

Rodeos a few years ago – Estes Park Trail-Gazette

The second spring after we moved to our 160 acres on the outskirts of town and we put up the fence, Pops brought home a “sagebrush beater.” He had borrowed it from someone. Nowadays they call it a “brush hog.” I was fascinated by the fact that it just spun chains around in a circle […]