
Rent controls almost always backfire, says the free market…

Rent controls almost always backfire, says the free market…

The Institute of Economic Affairs, a free-market think tank, has conducted a comprehensive study of rent control policies around the world and concluded that they cause far more negative problems than actual benefits. According to the study, 56 out of 65 examples of rent controls actually led to a reduction in rents as […]

Rent controls almost always backfire, says the free market…

Rent controls almost always backfire, says the free market…

The Institute of Economic Affairs, a free-market think tank, has conducted a comprehensive study of rent control policies around the world and concluded that they cause far more negative problems than actual benefits. According to the study, 56 out of 65 examples of rent controls actually led to a reduction in rents as […]

Rent controls almost always backfire, says the free market…

Rent controls almost always backfire, says the free market…

The Institute of Economic Affairs, a free-market think tank, has conducted a comprehensive study of rent control policies around the world and concluded that they cause far more negative problems than actual benefits. According to the study, 56 out of 65 examples of rent controls actually led to a reduction in rents as […]

The government has “no plans whatsoever” to give Sadiq Khan power to control rent prices

The government has “no plans whatsoever” to give Sadiq Khan power to control rent prices

The new Labour government has ruled out giving Sadiq Khan the power to introduce rent controls on private tenancies in London. The mayor has been calling for the establishment of a London Private Rent Commission for half a decade to enforce caps on the rents landlords can charge, but the previous Conservative government repeatedly rejected […]