
A couple goes to a restaurant and her husband eats in the most embarrassing way possible. Now he’s mad that she dared to confront him about it » TwistedSifter

A couple goes to a restaurant and her husband eats in the most embarrassing way possible. Now he’s mad that she dared to confront him about it » TwistedSifter

We all have such people in our lives… I’m talking about people who eat like wild animals in the privacy of their own homes AND in public. And the woman you are about to hear from is fed up with her husband’s eating habits. Read her story below and tell us what you think. “I […]

When he sought revenge on a rude neighbor and a local pizza place, the stars aligned to bring them both back at once » TwistedSifter

When he sought revenge on a rude neighbor and a local pizza place, the stars aligned to bring them both back at once » TwistedSifter

You can kill two birds with one stone, right? Sure, why not?!?! That’s what this person did when he got into an argument not only with his neighbor but also with the local pizzeria. Look at what happened! “My neighbor down the street likes to sit on his porch and yell at people driving by. […]

A teenager was told he couldn’t park in a company parking lot when his car overheated, so they decided to go to the store and spend a lot of time so he could buy something for exactly one dollar » TwistedSifter

A teenager was told he couldn’t park in a company parking lot when his car overheated, so they decided to go to the store and spend a lot of time so he could buy something for exactly one dollar » TwistedSifter

Hey, if your car is smoking, you need to pull over and take care of your business (TCB). This is what this person tried to do…but she ran into some complications when a business owner decided to make her life difficult. Read on to find out how they dealt with this major meanness… “Years ago […]