
A stay and a fee for the CHU d’Angers

A stay and a fee for the CHU d’Angers

After standing in tension in front of the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) in Angers, the director Cécile Jaglin-Grimonprez came to the conclusion that they would participate in this place by communicating new projects. Cécile Jaglin-Grimonprez, director of the CHU d’Angers, is responsible for the activities of this hospital. – © This time, the Centre […]

At Angers, the Virades of the Hope of Return to make the cystic fibrosis in vain

At Angers, the Virades of the Hope of Return to make the cystic fibrosis in vain

After an edition in 2023, when we were struggling with the record of the Dons, the Virades de l’Espoir returned to Angers. Partly organized in France since 1985, this evening raised funds for the search for cystic fibrosis and the fight against disease. The program of this Onzième edition was released on September 29 at […]