
Great Value Apple Juice Recalled by Walmart in Georgia Due to Arsenic

Great Value Apple Juice Recalled by Walmart in Georgia Due to Arsenic

Walmart increases sales forecast, share price reaches record high Americans are shopping more at Walmart. The world’s largest retailer has raised its sales and profit forecast for the second time this year. Did you recently purchase apple juice at Walmart? You may want to return it or throw it away. On August 15, a voluntary […]

Complaint against Sub Shop in Downtown Columbia leads to inspection

Complaint against Sub Shop in Downtown Columbia leads to inspection

A complaint filed with the Columbia/Boone County Health and Human Services Department against a downtown restaurant meant another inspection for an establishment that had recently completed its regular inspections. A department inspector discovered pests and signs of pests at the Sub Shop, 209 S. Eighth St., near a grease trap and food preparation table on […]