
Cities with the most expensive homes in the Phoenix metropolitan area

Cities with the most expensive homes in the Phoenix metropolitan area

(Forklift) – Buying a home is one of the most important investments you can make. Homeownership is more than just a place to live, it is an asset with the potential to increase in value tremendously. But with home prices hitting record highs, affordability is a big consideration for buyers. The average home price in […]

The Best (and Worst) US Cities for Outdoor Living in 2024

The Best (and Worst) US Cities for Outdoor Living in 2024

(Forklift) – Most American adults spend the majority of their day in front of a screen. This increasingly sedentary lifestyle can have a number of negative health effects, including a higher risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and more. Getting outside more often can have positive effects on your health, mental health, and quality of […]

Here’s how gasoline prices in Oregon have changed in the last week

Here’s how gasoline prices in Oregon have changed in the last week

Gasoline prices remained relatively stable last week. In Florida, prices even dropped slightly, despite Hurricane Debby making landfall last week. The hurricane caused only minor damage in the state. One factor keeping gasoline prices low in recent weeks, experts say, has been lower oil prices. They have fallen on fears that the U.S. could be […]