
How a Prada store was created on a deserted highway

How a Prada store was created on a deserted highway

At this point, you’ve probably seen the strange sight of a standalone Prada boutique in the remote desert before – whether on Beyoncé’s Instagram or on The Simpsons. Berlin-based artist duo Elmgreen & Dragset PradaMarfa is so ubiquitous, yet so misunderstood, that tourists ask every day, “When does it open?” It’s not opening. That’s not […]

German tourists shot paintballs with slingshots in Joshua Tree National Park

German tourists shot paintballs with slingshots in Joshua Tree National Park

A trio of German tourists are said to have fired yellow paintballs at nearly a dozen signs in Joshua Tree National Park over the weekend, officials said. The three visitors used a paintball gun and slingshots and also shot at bathrooms and garbage containers in the California natural wonder – behavior for which the perpetrators […]