
The best advice for buying or selling a practice? Start early and get help

The best advice for buying or selling a practice? Start early and get help

Sponsored by Monarch Business Consulting At Fetch Kansas City 2024, Chris Rocchio, DVM, emphasized the importance of early planning and professional advice when selling, buying or starting a veterinary practice. He spoke with dvm360® at the conference and shared what he believes are the best steps you can take – and the biggest pitfalls to […]

a study on the use of paracetamol

a study on the use of paracetamol

Photo: apple2499/Adobe Stock Koalas are accident-prone marsupials. Many of them live in the wild and are therefore at risk of injury from cars, forest fires and animal attacks.1 Previous investigators have tried many different ways to aid the healing process, including the use of fentanyl, meloxicam and tramadol.1 A group of researchers in Australia recently […]