
The best attack channels for Dungeons of Hinterberg

The best attack channels for Dungeons of Hinterberg


  • The usefulness of attack channels in the Dungeons of Hinterberg varies. Some are more effective in combat situations than others.
  • Whirlwind is best for taking out large groups of weaker enemies, while Burrow works well against slower or grouped enemies.
  • Meteor Shower and Butterfly Fire are powerful attack channels that can deal significant damage to both single targets and groups of enemies.

When you first start Dungeons of Hinterberg, it’s easy to think that the combat in the game is pretty straightforward, especially during the very easy introductory dungeon. However, that all changes once magic and attack channels are introduced.


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Attack channels are new skills that are unlocked as you explore Hinterberg. Some are easy to acquire, others are hidden in out-of-the-way places or later in quest lines. Either way, they’re definitely not all the same, some are just not as good as others. So which ones will you want to use most often during your adventure?

8 Whirlwind

Luisa uses the Whirlwind Attack Channel against the backdrop of the Hinterberg landscape in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

Whirlwind is an attack that mimics the projectiles of certain witch enemies. It is a simple attack channel that is useful due to its ease of use. You simply activate the ability and trigger the whirlwinds that deal passive damage to all enemies they hit. The only problem is that they are not very accurate.

When should Whirlwind be used?

The best time to equip and activate Whirlwind is when you’re fighting a large horde of enemies, especially if there are weaker enemies around. If your magic damage is high enough, the Whirlwinds can thin out the crowds, making the rest of the fight much easier to handle.

7 Building

Luisa uses the construction attack channel against the backdrop of the Hinterberg landscape in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

This attack channel is given to you after defeating Tatzelwurm, and it’s a great reward for your efforts. As the name suggests, this ability allows Luisa to dig underground and damage any enemies she encounters.


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When should Burrow be used?

The main problem with Burrow is that it doesn’t have the best accuracy and isn’t that easy to control. It’s best when there are a lot of enemies or a slow enemy that doesn’t move too much. The damage is great, but it’s not useful if you can’t control it.

6 Double slash

Luisa uses the double slash attack channel against the backdrop of the Hinterberg landscape in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

Double Slash is probably one of the easiest attack channels you can unlock in Dungeons of Hinterberg. It’s a simple attack that fires two projectiles that hit the enemies you’re targeting. You’ll want to make sure the attack is precise, as you only get one chance, but when it hits, the damage is impressive.

When is the double slash used?

It’s great how easy this channel is to fit into combos as it’s so quick and effective, and it’s perfect for dealing good damage to enemies that only give you a short window to attack. It’s recommended to use the lock-on feature to make sure it doesn’t miss.

5 Blade Tornado

Luisa uses the Blade Tornado attack channel against the backdrop of the Hinterberg landscape in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

When you first unlock attack channels, you get one of them for free, Blade Tornado, which might lead you to think that this one isn’t that useful. Randomly spinning in circles and dealing small, quick bursts of damage might not seem that useful, but once you know the trick to getting more damage out of this ability, you won’t want to take it out of the rotation.

When is Blade Tornado used?

The simple trick to getting more damage with Blade Tornado is to use it with the lock-on feature activated and not move at all. When you do this, the tornado will attach itself to the selected enemy and jump around them in a targeted manner, dealing massive damage. When they are defeated, it will automatically attach itself to the next target.

4 Cravings

Luisa uses the Cravings Attack channel against the backdrop of the Hinterberg landscape in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

One of the most frustrating enemy types in Dungeons of Hinterberg, especially later in the game, are enemies with shields. The shields make them harder to defeat and give them plenty of opportunity to attack you. That’s why Ravenous Hunger is so great. It instantly destroys all shields and converts them into HP and MP for Luisa.


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When should you use Ravenous Hunger?

The main downside to Ravenous Hunger is that it’s not particularly multifunctional and is only useful against enemies with shields. However, it’s perfect when facing these enemies as it significantly reduces the time you spend fighting them.

3 Making toys

Luisa uses the Tinkertoy attack channel against the backdrop of the Hinterberg landscape in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

If you decide to build a level 1 friendship with Hinterberg’s sculptor Henning, you will be rewarded with the Tinker Toy attack channel. This channel is unique in that it acts as a decoy, luring nearby enemies for a short time and then dealing a fair amount of damage with an explosion.

When is Tinker Toy used?

Some of the toughest encounters in Dungeons of Hinterberg are against strong hordes of enemies, but they’ll easily take the bait, giving you time to heal and attack them while you’re distracted. But save that bait for when you need a break in the fight.

2 Meteor shower

Luisa uses the Meteor Shower Attack Channel against the backdrop of the Hinterberg landscape in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

If you want to deal a lot of damage quickly, Meteor Shower is one of the best attack channels. The effect is simple: you can trigger an AOE meteor field that stuns and damages all enemies within range.

When to use meteor showers

This channel is great for both groups of enemies and single targets as it deals great damage to both. The only downside is that it’s a bit tricky to aim, but once you understand how to position it, you’ll have a new ability that will allow you to deal damage quickly.

1 Butterfly fire

Luisa uses the Butterfly Fire attack channel against the backdrop of the Hinterberg landscape in Dungeons of Hinterberg.

The reason Butterfly Barrage is arguably the best means of attack in Dungeons of Hinterberg is because of the versatility and power of this ability. You get a large purple orb that you can aim and move around with. Place the orb over various enemies and watch as the butterflies rain down powerful explosions on whatever is in the center.

When is the butterfly fire used?

Butterfly Barrage is just as effective against crowds as it is against bosses, and is unlikely to leave Luisa after you unlock it. The only downside is that you aren’t completely immune when aiming with the ability, so make sure to keep moving so you don’t get knocked out of the ability early.


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