
The bride’s best friend had to do a lot and spend a lot of money on food at a wedding abroad. But when she asks for reimbursement for her expenses, she is shunned by her circle of friends » TwistedSifter

The bride’s best friend had to do a lot and spend a lot of money on food at a wedding abroad. But when she asks for reimbursement for her expenses, she is shunned by her circle of friends » TwistedSifter

The bride’s best friend had to do a lot and spend a lot of money on food at a wedding abroad. But when she asks for reimbursement for her expenses, she is shunned by her circle of friends » TwistedSifterThe bride’s best friend had to do a lot and spend a lot of money on food at a wedding abroad. But when she asks for reimbursement for her expenses, she is shunned by her circle of friends » TwistedSifter

Ah, weddings! A time of love, celebration and last-minute grocery shopping?

In the following story, a bride’s best friend is persuaded to shop, cook, and foot the bill at a lavish wedding; things get a little tense.

With a bottle of champagne in one hand and a Splitwise request in the other, she wonders if she is the world’s worst friend or if she is simply being taken advantage of.

Read on to find out the story.

I am a 28-year-old woman living in Germany, have a well-paid job and am currently supporting both myself and my boyfriend who lost his job.

I was recently invited to a two-day Spanish-Italian wedding as the bride’s maid of honor.

The event took place three hours outside of town and included a wedding ceremony, lunch, party, and a barbecue the next day to celebrate the relative’s birthday.

We were told not to bring any gifts as the couple is planning a second wedding in Italy for over 80 people and has rented a mansion.

The groom’s family is very rich.


As her maid of honour and best friend, I always helped her beyond measure and helped her in her everyday life.

For the wedding, I rented a car for over 250 euros, I picked up the guests and helped a lot with the logistics (taking people to and from the airport).

However, things took a strange turn when I arrived at the barbecue and was told that there was not enough food for us and we would have to go shopping.

Well, that happens, we made a shopping list. While we were shopping, I got calls from the hosts asking me to buy more groceries. My friend was even asked to get fresh bread.

There is nothing better than being a slave to a wedding.

At the barbecue, I was asked to help with the cooking, which I ended up doing for an hour.

The food we bought was distributed to all the tables. So, in a way, we sponsored the barbecue we were invited to?

The stupidest moment was that when my friend asked for bread, he was not allowed to take the fresh bread he had bought?

My fiancé’s relative didn’t have much to do; he was suffering from a hangover from the previous night.

Others hung around and enjoyed the decor.

I had a bad feeling, but was still glad that I could help.

It just keeps getting worse.

The couple then went on their honeymoon and asked me to look after their plants for a month, which was perfectly fine with me.

I prepared them a nice bottle of champagne to celebrate their return from their honeymoon.

Since I had spent a lot of money on groceries, I wanted to get a refund.

It’s not just that I bought food for my boyfriend, my girlfriend and myself, but also for everyone else who could have gone shopping too.

I added the expenses to Splitwise and allocated 2/5 to the bride.

Despite my efforts and spending, I was harshly criticized for being a terrible friend, not bringing gifts, not washing the dishes, or not contributing enough money.

I was told to be grateful that their friends allowed us to stay overnight (we gave them a bottle of expensive wine as a thank you).

Oh, hell no.

Then her fiancé accused me of trying to get her money and suggested I review my finances.

The groom even said that I hadn’t done enough for the wedding.

However, I had already kept her words not to bring a gift and supported her in various ways.

I was at work and this whole thing was destroying me emotionally.

In summary, I felt unappreciated and hurt by the accusations and misunderstandings from my friend and the couple.

I had sincerely tried to help and contribute, but it seemed as though my efforts were neither recognized nor appreciated.

When the dust of the honeymoon settled, that friend was left to pick up the pieces (and the bill) after being severely accused of financial parasitism and lack of friendship.

Here’s what Reddit had to say, but one thing is for sure: OP is NOT the AH.

This person says to drop them completely.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

This person is not even convinced that they are friends.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

And this person underlines once again that he is not an AH at all.

Source: Reddit/AITASource: Reddit/AITA

The champagne should be a toast to the couple, not the chaos.

If you enjoyed this story, check out this post about a daughter who invited herself to her parents’ 40th wedding anniversary vacation for all the wrong reasons.

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