
The Colombian jugadores could dispute against Bolivia if they are the most concerned ahead of Argentina | Selection Colombia

The Colombian jugadores could dispute against Bolivia if they are the most concerned ahead of Argentina | Selection Colombia

The compromises before Argentina consisted of a lot of financial and intensive contacts because, as a matter of habit, they were negotiated in every situation.

In the latest compromise, valid for the final of the Copa América, there were four players on the yellow card, the other two Colombians.

On September 10, I began a new chapter of matches between the Tricolore and the Albiceleste, on this occasion, on February 8, the elimination round in the 2028 World Cup.

It was a compromise at the end of the double class of classifiers that reached ten compromises in October, when Néstor Lorenzo’s conductors visited Bolivia on the condition that they visited Chile as natives.

They do not know that the players who are in the next draft session will not be able to go to the cafeteria because, if convicted, they will have to pay a sanction fine because she died before Bolivia.

Selection Colombia


Vanexa Romero / CEET

The Colombian Jugadores are active against Argentina

From the list, hay Five players who played Suelen in the title role of Néstor Lorenzo.

Luis Díaz is one of those who pointed out to him that he did not want to finish the duel in front of the Bolivians, and Daniel Muñoz, who lost the Copa América final for this reason.

These are our best Colombian players who have an amarilla card and can face Bolivia in a new affair:

1. John Arias
2. Carlos Cuesta
3. Yerson Mosquera
4. Daniel Muñoz
5. Luis Diaz
6. Jhon Jader Durán
7. John Cordoba
8. Luis Sinisterra

Selection Colombia

Will the match between Bolivia and Colombia be played in the 2026 eliminatories?

I have found that the compromise between Bolivia and Colombia has already disputed on October 10 at 3:00 p.m. and that the El Alto stadium, located 4,100 meters above sea level, covers the scenario The duel is valid on February 9 of the eliminators.

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